Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Email Council

Click here to send an email to Council to voice your opposition and add your name to the petition to oppose building in our heritage gardens

Council is about to vote on whether to site a multi-purpose building in the northern and historic section of the Edinburgh Gardens. Now is a good time to let our Councillors and local members of parliament know how we feel about our gardens.

Make sure our Councillors and local members of parliament* get the message about protecting our open space and heritage - send an email by clicking on the above link.

Don't forget to add your name and address at the beginning and you can change the message text in any way you want before sending. Clicking on the link won't send an email until you hit Send from you email program

*Your email will be sent to all Yarra Councillors and these MPs:

  • Lindsay Tanner;
  • Richard Wynne;
  • Greg Barber.

Please click on the above link, send an email and help save the Edinburgh Gardens.